Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Falling Down

(The sound starts from 00:38 seconds until 01:10)

For this task, we had to work in pairs (myself and Ellis Blunden) and edit a video of 'Falling Down'. We had to add the appropriate foley sounds to at least 30 seconds of the 7 minute clip. We used the programme Garage Band to complete this task. We had to add in at least 4 layers of sound to our 30 second clip. The whole point of the layers was to overlap sounds to add effect. Our sounds included: heaving breathing, children's voices, phone vibrating, radio, car horns and car door slamming.

This task enabled me to have more practice and understand how to add extra sounds and layers onto clips of films. I learnt how to adjust the volume, fade sounds in and out and also add several layers of sound. 

To improve this, I could continue to add more layers of sound and also experient with sounds and make them more unusual than the ones I have already used.

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